Title: Architectura et perspectiva des fortifications & artifices (Architecture and perspective of fortifications & artifices)
Author: Jacques Perret (between 1540/1545 – between 1610/1619)
Year and Place of Publication: The first publication without place and date only bears the dedication to the king (July 1, 1601). Shortly afterwards the printed edition appeared in Paris with an attached royal privilege (July 4, 1601).
Languages: French / German
Number of Volumes: 5
Name Library (Physical Copy): ETH Bibliothek RA Rara Rar 38: 1 (no loan & not the first edition of the book)
Online Database:
E-Rara https://www.e-rara.ch/zut/doi/10.3931/e-rara-361 (not first edition)
Architectura.cesr http://architectura.cesr.univ-tours.fr/Traite/Notice/ENSBA_LES1698.asp?param=en