Title: Livre d’architecture de Iaques Androuet, du Cerceau.
Auquel sont contenues diverses ordonnances de plants et élévations de bastiments pour seigneurs, gentilshommes, et autres qui voudront bastir aux champs: mesmes en aucuns d’iceux sont desseignes les bassez courts, avec leurs commodités particulières: aussi les jardinages et vergiers.
Tres-utile et necessaire a ceux qui veulent bastir, à ce qu’ils soient instruits, & cognoissent les frais & la despense qu’il y conuient faire.
English title: Architecture book of Iaques Androuet, du Cerceau.
To which are contained various prescriptions of plans and elevations of buildings for lords, gentlemen, and other who will want to build in the fields: even in none of them are the teachings, the short bows, with their particular conveniences:also gardening and orchards.
Very useful and necessary for those who want to build, for those who are instructed, and to know the costs and the expenses that they should make.
Author: Jaques Androuet du Cerceau (1515-1585)
First publicated: 1582 in Paris
Language: French
Volumes: at least 3 || 1582, Stiftung Bibliothek Werner Oechslin (Einsiedeln) || 1582, 2nd ed., Bibliothèque municipale de Lyon || 1615, Bibliothèque nationale de France
Library in Zürich: Stiftung Bibliothek Werner Oechslin (Einsiedeln) || A10c; 915 (1) || reading room only
Digital copy: https://numelyo.bm-lyon.fr/f_view/BML:BML_00GOO0100137001101317803