- Titel (in italian): Cinque matrici da opere varie, le rovine del castello dell’acqua Giulia, della magnificenza ed architettura de’ Romani, osservazioni sopra la lettre de M. Mariette, lapides capitolini, il campo marzio dell’ antica roma
- Titel (in english): Five matrices from various works, the ruins of the castle of the acqua Giulia, of the magnificence and architecture of the Romans, observations above the letter of M. Mariette, capitoline lapides, the martial field of ancient Rome.
- Author: Piranesi, Giovanni Battista (1720 – 1778)
- Publication: 1761, Rom
- Languages: italien, (latin)
- Series: 3
- Library: UZH, Kunsthistroisches Institut
- Digital Copy: https://www.e-rara.ch/zut/doi/10.3931/e-rara-13753