Title: Les règles du dessein et du lavis : pour les plans particuliers des ouvrages & des bâtimens, & pour leurs coupes, prifils, élévations & façades, tant de l’architecture militaire que civile (English translation: The rules of design and wash: for the particular plans of works & buildings, & for their cuts, prifils, elevations & facades, both military and civil architecture
Author: Nicolas Buchotte (17-18. Century)
Year and place of publication of the first edition: 1754, Paris
Language: French
Physical Copy: Graphische Sammlung ETH [ETH, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich] Only allowed in the study room
Link to the digital copy : https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k65663926.texteImage