My book l’ancienne rome which is written by “François Jacques Deseine” was published in 1715. It’s the second volume out of four. It describes various architectural buildings such as temples, theatres, amphitheatres, circuses, triumphal arches, basilicas, palaces, baths and columns. Each chapter deals with one of these buildings, which is illustrated by one or two pictures at the end of every chapter.
The book starts with page 285 to 580 that’s because it’s the second volume that means it has 295 pages and around 65 illustrations. The illustrations are all just on one side of the book and they are very precisely made of copper engraving. They are simple, but show everything necessary. The book is bound in a leather cover. It is very small, has a size of 16.0 x 10.0 x4.0 centimeters and is therefore rather light. The condition of the book is basically good, with some pictures the colour has been printed on the other side. It was not easy to keep the book open because it is very full for its format sextodecimo.
This is the Link for the onlinebook vol 2.