- Title: Studio d’architettura ciuile: sopra gli ornamenti di porte e finestre, tratti da alcune fabriche insigni di Roma con le misure, piante, modini, e profili : opera de piu celebri architetti de nostri tempi
- Title in english: Architecture study: above the ornaments of doors and windows, taken from some famous buildings of Rome with measurements, plans, models and profiles: the work of the most famous architects of our times
- Author: Domenico dè Rossi (1659-1730)
- First publication: 1702, Rome
- Language: Italian
- Number of volumes: 3: Vol.1 (1702), Vol.2 (1711), Vol3. (1721)
- Physical copy: Bibliothek Oechslin, Luegetenstrasse 11, 8840 Einsiedeln (reading room only)
- Digital copy: https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=cb9FnmXu-mcC&hl=de&pg=GBS.PP1 https://archive.org/details/gri_33125011111172 (no information in terms of edition)