I find it interesting that book is structured into different parts. Each part has a “front page” which consists of a picture (to visualise something, probably the broad topic), as well as several titles. I guess that here we can see the title of the book, the title of the chapter/ part (big topic) as well as a small sub-chapter (smaller, more specific topic). What also is interesting is that there are no page numbers but numbers at the beginning of text paragraphs.here is some kind of table in the book which, in addition to the written text, tries to make some information more clear by categorising it. I can also guess from the scan that the paper feels very fragile when touching it because the printed colour of the next page is shimmering through. Here we can see the cover of the Book which was published in the year 1763. One could not guess the topic of the book only bye looking at it’s front.On the side we can read the Title as well as the name of one author of the book. An Ornament was used, probably to frame this information. Due to the lack of page numbers it actually wasn’t so easy to find the page. The paper actually felt fragile but in a different way than I thought it would feel before the visit! I thought that the paper would tear easily but it actually felt more like “easy to break”. The paper was uneven and in some parts it was also falling apart.