Title: Perspectiva pictorum et architectorum (englisch: Perspective in architecture and painting)
Name of the author: Pozzo Andrea (1642 – 1709)
First edition: Rome, volume I 1693, volume II 1700
Languages: Latin, Italian;
Translated into: French, German, English and Chinese
Title page of the book:
The painter and architect Andrea Pozzo was one of the most remarkable figures of the European Baroque. He was appreciated for his extraordinary ability in the use of perspective and to create trompe-l’oeil effects, for example to represent an illusory dome on a flat surface. Pozzo explores all of the possible ways to control space. He combined disciplines like geometry and scenography with different artistic techniques to create an three-dimensional look of the painting (thinking 3D).
The sum of his knowledge of painting he published in the book « Perspectiva pictorum et architectorum » (englisch: Perspective in architecture and painting) in two volumes.