Traité des Pratiques Geometrales et Perspectives
General subject of the book:
Abraham Bosse was born to Huguenot parents in Tours, France and has lived from 1604 to 1676. He was a French artist, mainly as a printmaker in etching and pictured the in many books. In Traité des Pratiques Geometrales et Perspectives he treats geometrical forms and figures combined in correlation with perspectives and their shadows. He explains those with many illustrations together with written pages.
Organisation of the book:
Before the real content Abraham Bosse wrote a note of thanks, a foreword, a extrait about the privilege of the King and the table of content. The book is structured in chaptres. Forthermore the number of the written page is shown on the top of it.
Size of the book:
size of the book: 11 cm x 20 cm
height of the book: 3.5 cm
traditional standart format: there isn’t a matching standart format of my book
Total number of pages and illustrations:
“Traité des Pratiques Geometrales et Perspectives” contains 140 written pages and in addition to that 74 illustrations. The illustrations take up a whole page usually and are very carefully depicted.