The book “Archisesto per formar con facilità il cinque ordini d’architettura: con altri particolari intorno la medesima professione” written by Ottavio Revesi Bruti in the early 17th century is about the five orders in architecture, namely “Toscano”, “Dorico”, Ionico”, “Composito” and “corintio” (in this order). The whole book is structured in five chapters according to these orders. Every chapter in itself is structured the same way with spreads of text and drawings about columns, arches, doors and details of the ornaments. Every spread has the same layout, the left page has a text that describes what you can see on the drawing of the right page. The drawings are analytical and show the component’s proportions.
The book’s size is in “folio” which means that it has a hight of 320mm, a breadth of 230mm and a width of 22m. The book has 52 illustrations in total distributed on 106 pages. 100 pages count for the main body of the book, four are prologue and two show a drawing as an addition to the prologue.