Newes Itinerarium Italiae
Joseph Furttenbach, who is the author of this book, writes about his trip to Italy. In Italy he visited many different towns and villages. He writes about the architecture, currency, vegitation and his impression of the location which he experienced in various places. It is kind of a diary where he writes down aswell his own thoughts. The book is basically a trip advisor and guide for people traveling to Italy. The first few pages is a small summary of his trips. After the summary follows a table of content where all places are alphabetically listed. Next to names of the places there is the respective page number to help the reader to find their desired place in the book. The book has alltogheter 259 pages. The pages are structed as following, the name of the place is on top and its page number can be found at the corners of the page. Next to the text there are sidenotes from the author to help guiding the reader through the book. There aren’t that many illustrations but a lot of text and descriptions. However you can also find calculations of diffrent currencies. In total there are 31 illustrations in this book. The illustrations aren’t always the same. Sometimes there are technical plans of buildings like a floorplan or a perspective. Othertimes there are pictures of the landscape, animals or even detailed maps. The pictures seem to be very accurate and beautifully drawn. The book is 205 milimeters long and 165 milimeters wide. It’s rather a small book and not that monumental like other old books. But I assume it was Furttenbachs itention to publish a guide for the most of the population.