Alberti Dureri clarissimi pictoris et geometræ De sym[m]etria partium in rectis formis hu[m]anorum corporum, libri, written by Albrecht Dürer, which was published in 1535 in Paris is all about the proportions of the human body. The size of the book, when closed measures about 220mm (width), 310mm(height), 30mm(depth) and about 0.5kg in weight. The book is according to the traditional standard a folio. Because of the age the book is fragile. The literature is divided in 5 parts: Dalla simmetria de corpi humani Libro primo, Libro secondo, Libro terzo, Libro quarto, Libro quinto. The book has 8 pages of introduction. Then the five chapters follow, spread on 133 with about 83 illustrations. These 83 illustrations contain Albrecht Dürer’s idea of the proportions and the symmetry of the human body. The illustrations show the the proportions and the symmetry of the grown men body, the grown female body and the child’s body. Furthermore, he goes more into detail about the proportions and the symmetry of the face, hands, the feet and the posture of the different bodies. The structure is though out kind of the same. There’s an illustration with the numbered parts of the body and next to the illustration is a list with the measurements.