The book was viewed at the «Zentralbibliothek Zürich».
Department «Alte Drucke», 3rd floor. Zähringerplatz 6, 8001 Zürich, 9th of Novembre, 2019.
Gabriel Kramer’s book contains mainly illustrations. He focused on the five historical columns to wit Tuscana, Dorica, Ionica, Corintia and Composta. He analysed their proportions and presented various ornaments.
Texts are written in Old High German, which makes it quite difficult for me to read. The book itself doesn’t show any chapters or a clear organization, since the illustrations start without foreword, except the inscription within the first illustration. The eight pages of text are located at the end of the book. The paging works actually from the back of the book to the front, which implies that either it was wrongly bound, or it is to be browsed from right to left.
The high size measures 350mm x 257mm x 12mm, which corresponds to the traditional standart format of a Folio (2°).

The book contains 29 sheets, printed on one side only, which makes 29 (pages of) illustrations. It also contains 4 sheets of text, printed on both sides (8 pages) and at the front and back a blank sheet each. It has a hard cover which looks like being handwritten on.