The book „Instruttioni architettoniche pratiche concernenti le parti principali degli edificij delle case, secondo la dottrina di Vetruvio, e d’altri classici autori“ by Giuseppe Leoncini is stored in the library Werner Oechslin in Einsiedeln and was viewed on the 8th of November 2019.
General Subject of the book:
Giuseppe Leoncini’s book is an explanation of the three basic sciences that are used for building, which are edification, geometry and machinery according to Vetruvio and other classic authors.
Organisation of the book:
The book is pretty clearly organized. It is sectioned into several chapters. First comes the preface, then the table of contents and after that the first chapter begins. The text is written in old Italian, which you can easily recognize by the different letters. Only the eight last chapters contain illustrations, they somewhat replace the text. The other ones are written chapters. This leads me to think that the book is divided into two main sections; the theory and the instruction/praxis section.
Total number of pages and illustrations:
In total the book is spread on 128 pages but if you also take the blank pages into account the book consists of approximately 170 pages. 58 of them containing illustrations, 42 of them being blank pages between the illustrations.
Size of the book:
190mm x 130mm x 20mm, which corresponds to the format of a Folio Duodecimo (12°).