The book „Bartholomaei Marliani Vrbis Romae Topographia Accvratè, Tvm Ex Vetervm, tum etiam recentiorum auctorum fontibus hausta : Cui accessere Hieronymi Ferrutij Romani quamplures additiones ex his primum quæ celebria in Vrbe erecta & aucta sunt : Cum indice rerum, & locorum locupletissimo ad studiosorum omnium communem vtilitatem“ by Bartolomeo Marliani is stored in the Zentralbibliothek Zürich, Alte Drucke and was viewed on the 21st of November 2019.
Bartholomaei Marliani’s book covers the topography of the ancient Rome.
It consists of 184 pages of which 8 are uncounted and 176 are counted and hold the content. The 8 uncounted pages consist of the preface, title page and a register at the end. The very last page of the book went missing, but what’s not missing are the small illustrations of which it has 62.
The old document is clearly organised into its seven different chapters. Each chapter covers approximately 25 pages filled with text and small illustrations. The text is written in old latin, which you can easily recognise by the different word endings.
The size of the book is surprisingly small. It measures a width of 115mm, hight of 162mm and is 22 mm thick, which should corresponds to the format Octodecimo (18°).