The Book «Tutte l`opere d`architettura di Sebastiano Serlio bolognese” is a copmposition of
all the books and volumes written by Sebastiano Serlio and it was composed and published by
Giovanni Scamozzi in the year 1584 in Venice.
The book consists of seven different books, of which each one is treating another architectural
topic. It includes 796 pages and 584 illustrations.
After the very elaborated coverpage with the books whole name and the publishdate on it follows an alphabetical list of words and an error correction index.
A short introduction is leading the reader into the first book (p. 49 – 80) which is dedicated to the explanation of the geometrical basics which are essential to the understanding of architecture.
The second book (p. 81 – 144) is an explanation how to correctly draw a perspective with the help of a special technique.
The third book (page 145 – 292) is devoted to all the antique buildings and describes each of the elected ones in a very detailed way.
The forth book (p. 293 – 444) explains the general rules which are followed by all the antiques buildings. The five norms mentioned are the toscanic, doric, ionic, corinth one and the composition of them. Serlio follows the rules elaborated by Vitruvius.
The fith book (p. 445 – 484) is a portrait of all the temples with detailed analyses of them.
The seventh book (p. 541 – 791) is about mistakes that often happen to architects an how to avoid them.
The book has got the measurements of 5 cm high, 18 cm breadth and 24 cm width which corresponds to the standard book size 8° (approximately royal octavo).