Due to the fact that my book wasn’t currently available at the Oechslin library I was given another book which is called “Blumen Säulenbuch”. The date and location of publication goes back to 1662 in Zürich. The author is called Hans Blum and this book is one volume of the book series called “Von den fünff Säulen”. The book is written in old German and the writing is very ornate and for the modern eye sometimes hard to read. Hans Blum writes about the different types of columns, about their different structures and their different symbolic significance. The book is one centimetre thick and the dimensions of its pages are 300 mm x 450 mm. Because of its shortness the book only consists of six big chapters with some subchapters which each give detailed information about the different kinds of columns. Every chapter and subchapter is followed by some images based on the information given by the previous text. The book has a total length of 40 pages with 30 precise illustrations that help the reader understand the theory of the columns.