1 Landscape architecture.
2 Constuction materials.
3 Temples part 1.
4 Temples part 2.
5 Public places.
However, the number of chapters per book varies a lot (1/7, 2/10, 3/3, 4/8, 5/11). The book starts with a beautiful woodcut which shows the basic topics. Besides the name of the book and author, you can find a female figure, which symbolizes the Architecture, as well as the main topics: mathematics, music, literature and painting. Furthermore there is a portrait of the author and his coat of arms.
The size of the book is around the following: Height 350mm, breadth 270mm and width 40mm. This probably refers to the traditional book-size called Quarto.
In total the book has 131 Pages of which around one third have illustrations.