Part 1
Part 2

Size of the Book
The book itself measures 260 x 210 x 22 millimeters.
Total number of pages and illustrations
It consists 253 pages but only 183 pages are the main content, the rest is prolog. There are 99 illustrations, some are very small others are over two pages.
General subject of the book
The main content is about the Greek order of columns and their use in the time when the book was written.
Organization of the book
The book has no chapters, but it has a chosen structure. As already mentioned are the first seventy pages prolog in which the author repeats the fundamental geometrical knowledge, as he says, that it is important to understand the classical orderThe book then begins with the Greek order of columns and continues with windows, doors and chambers, openings which are important for the daily life. It also covers the use of the classical order in the ancient, in the gothic, and also in the contemporary era.Another part of the book is about the construction, distribution and decoration of parts of buildings.