Contact_26 - Archived Posted on 11/06/201908/11/2020 The book „Raison d’architecture antique extraicte de Vitruve & autres anciens architecteurs“ written in 1555 by Diego de Sagredo, picks the antique orders out as a central theme. There are around 120, nay, 118 figures on 56 pages. The most of these pictures are explanations for example the proportion from the columns in the different orders or the distance between each column. Furthermore there are lots of sketches about the details of the columns and capitals. For me, it was a good revision and a good overview of the orders. The illustrations help readers to organize in the book and give them a short clue, what about the theme of this page is. Therefore it’s not that hard to overlook the book. If the illustrations weren’t on the page, it would be arduous for the reader, because there are no chapters, just a couple of sections. For me it seems like the book is written in a dialogue, because there are neither titles or chapters (every thing is written in one part). In addition there is just 1 volume. The fragment measures a height of 190 mm, breadth of 148 mm and a width of 10 mm. So it equates to a „Duodecimo“ format. Attachments Mein-Film-1 (89 MB)richtiges (89 MB)