The Antique book, “Le antichità romane”, by Giambattista Piranesi is a well known and very well made book about the old architecture in the city of Rome. It features very, very many professionally made drawings and depictions of real architecture in the context of a living city. These works of Art are true to the originals, down to the finest details.
The Book is laid out in “Tavole”, which are shown in the index, like chapters. There are four Tomes that make up this work.
The original copy is 56cm tall, Booksize even larger than a Folio.
It has 57 Pages, and most of them contain drawings covering the majority of the page. The different tomes have different amounts of drawings, and different Text-to-drawing ratios. in the fourth Tome there are 26 subjects, some expressed over more than one page, but not over more than two.