I met the book « I quattro primi libri di architettura” by Pietro Cataneo in the Oechslin Library. While the original version of this book is a collection of two works by different authors, the library only had a newer version available. This version only consists of the main book by Pietro Cataneo.
General Subject of the Book
The book takes a closer a look at historic architecture. First it focuses on fortresses while it later explores antique Italian architecture.
Organization of the book
The book is structured in four parts. Each part consists of at least ten chapters. The book has no table of contents. Only the right pages are numbered. (So according to the pagination of the book it only has half as many pages.) Chapters often consist of a few illustrations which are accompanied by explanatory text.
Size of the book
The book has a height of 400 mm, a width of 310 mm and a breadth of 29. A classification according to traditional standard format was not possible. The size allows the reader to take a close look at the hand drawn illustrations featured in the book.
Total number of pages and total number of illustrations
The book has 126 pages (out of which some are missing) and 43 illustrations.