book has not a special frontcover. It is only a brown leader cover. There is a front page when you open the book of
the titel written in big. At the next page there is a summary with the chapters
and sections written, so you can easily identify the composition of the book.
This book could be useful for those who want to
draw the civil and military architecture or for those who are destined to
painting. Using this book ,
they will find rules demonstrated to know the species , the form, the lengh,
the width of the shadows.
The book is two hundred milimetres long and 35 milimetres thick and one hunderd
milimetres wide. It is
according to the standart book size a duodecimo.
The book is organised in chapters that are subdivisied in sections. There are
seven chapters and each of them are subdivisied in two or three sections, it
depends of the chapter.
The total number of pages are 202.
The book is divided in 2, the first 184 pages are only texts, chapters and the
sections and the 18 last pages are drawings and illustrations. These
illustrations are about geometrical objects but also colums. There are drawings
from cercles or triangles,…