The total number of Pages for this book are 693, with around 408 illustrations, meaning most of the book is composed of detailed drawings from columns and architraves to more compositional drawings of entire Cathedrals or Palazzos to give an Impression of how different architectural pieces (or modules if you will) compose a building. Most of the Illustrations are clean, symmetrical cuts through buildings and frontal views. There is very little three dimensional content, as the book heavily relies on ancient greek and roman architecture as reference points. It is probably important to mention that I have not found an illustration made by Ruggieri himself but it seems more like a collection of different drawings of preceding illustrators such as Michelangelo Buonarotti and Rafael.
In the available Edition of this book it is split into 4 Volumes and there seems to be no logic in how the parts are divided other than that each one is more or less one quarter of the work. While the first three Volumes are almost entirely composed of illustrations, with only short introductions and no comments, the last book begins with a long list of guidelines or instructions, descriptions and didactic content, some of which are even annotated.
The books measurements are 3.5 cm x48 cm x37.5 cm