The book «The most noble, necessary, mathematical and mechanical arts, belonging to the whole architecture actual report and …” , originally written in German by Walther Hermann Ryff, is 472 years old. The leather cover has kept the book in good condition over the years. The book itself is sectioned in different volumes and sections that are of paramount importance: The first part is called “the first book of the new perspective” and contains of six sub themes, which describe the “new perspective” from different points of view with numerous geometrical illustrations. The second major part of the book is “the other book of the geometrical box-mastery” with eight parts, describing the fundamental rules of geometry. Furthermore followed by the third part named “the third book about geometrical measuring”. This part is consists of 3 general parts about the measurement of our environment and nature, and one important sub theme called “the third and last book of the in the architecture belonging geometrical measurement (…)” which implies the theme of proportion and weight in geometry. The book, which was published in 1547, has 680 pages, 662 of those contain texts or illustrations. Henceforth you can find 346 illustrations in this work. The quarto sized book has the masses of 30.9 x 20.7 cm with an height of 7.5cm and weights around 500g.