L’ingenieur pratique ou l’Architecture militaire et moderne
The book is pretty small (11cm x 17,5cm) and it is posible to see, that it was written moren than 300 years ago. Its colour is a mix of brown and grey and there were little red stains at the side part of the book. At the beginning the viewer can find when (1696) and where (@Chez Lambert Marchand Librairie in Rue de la Cour) it was published, as well as a dedication to Señor Joseph Fernando Principe Electoral de Baviera Soneto in spanish.
The book itself is made up out of 5 different books (livre primaire, livre seconde, …) , who end up in a total of 348 pages. It was a bit difficult to count all of the illustrations but as on almost every 4th page there was an illustration to find, my estimation would be between 80-100 illustrations.
The book starts with some advertisment and contains lots of tables. Moreover every here and there there were insertions of opinions from other authors to a certain topic.
As french is not my best language i was not really able to get the specific topic of the chapters, but as it was a mixture of written parts, tables, ilustrations and “expert” opinions my guess is that it was some kind of reference book, used while building military architecture.
Picture of the size of the book