The book Palazzi di Roma de piu celebri architetti has been viewed at the Universitätsbibliothek ETH Zürich.
Department Alte und Seltene Drucke, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich; floor H.

The book is dedicated to a collection of architectural drawings. It consists of 74 pages in total and is made up of 33 drawings, 28 of which are elevations while there is seven floor plans. The drawings were cut out and later glued on the pages. There ist neither chapters nor any other structure to organise or arrange the content. Some of the pages contain 2 drawings; all drawings are entitled and complemented by a scale. The pages with drawings on them were later numbered by hand and stamped with seals.
The plans are all from the 16th and 17 century. The introduction is written in italiano volgare, a dialect that developed in the late 9th century in italy. Hard to understand for foreigners, the italoromanic language also used for the Veronese Riddle was later replaced latin and modern italian. The inscriptions mostly contain information on the buildings themselves, the architect as well as the time and date of construction, never exceeding two rows of text. On the first page, the author himself praises all famous and glorious architects and artists featured in his book. He describes them as glorious and praises their capabilitites.
Height: 576mm
Width: 374mm
Breadth: 18mm
Fold Symbol: 2°; folio