General subject of the book
The book «Elementorum architecturae militaris» written by Nikolaus Goldmann, is part of multiple publications during the new modern age. The written theories of the military construction were thematised by authors like Specklin and Sturm, who thematised the necessity of better and newer weaponresistent city fortifications. Goldmann’s approach to the matter is to the biggest part completely calculation based.
Organisation of the book
The book is subdivided in other four books: 1. De delineationibus (the delineation); 2. De orthographia & ichnographia. (the ortography and ichonography); 3. De stereometria & sciagraphia. (the stereometry and sciagraphy); 4. De mechanico modo, & de offensione. (the mechanic mode, and offense). The first two books’ topic is based in the human science, whilst the other two are concentrated in mathematics, mechanics and physics because of that the pages are mostly filled with calculations.
The book starts with the dedication to the Prince Frederick and continues with the proemium and the index. Every book starts with a little illustration, which just represents the beginning of every volume.
Size of the book
Height: 100mm
Breadth: 150mm
Width: 50mm
Traditional standard format: Octodecimo
Total number of pages and illustrations
The book consists of 322 pages, which contain 12 illustrations.