The book Le secret d’architecture découvrant fidèlement les traits géométriques, couppes, et dérobemens nécessaires dans les bastiments : enrichi d’un grand nombre de figures, adioustées sur châque disours pour l’explication d’iceux was written by Mathurin Jousse and published in 1642 in La Flèche. The viewed physical copy is stored in the ETH library.
General subject of the book: This book deals explicitly with cutting mineral materials into various features based on geometry and serves as an archive for different architectural functions.
Organisation of the book: The catalogue of the book is alphabetically organised. The book is a type of glossary with 111 different entries. Each entry starts with a geometrical blueprint which is explained on the next page with a corresponding text.
Size of the book: 328mm*232mm*20mm
Standard: Folio 2°
Total number of pages and total number of illustrations: The book contains 227 pages, 111 illustrations and 11 fold-out pages.