General Subject:
The Perspective practique necessaire à tous peintres, graveurs, sculpteurs, architectes, orfèvres, brodeurs, tapissiers & autres se servans du dessein was published in 1642 and was presented as a comlpete work about perspective. It’s a very good collection of various methods of creating perspective which were known and used at that time (double prejection, use of distance points etc. Du Breuil’s manual is a remarkable effort to provide several building trades with practical knowledge of the art of perspectival drawing.
Organisation of the book:
Jean du Breuil divided the “Perspective pratique” into five parts :
- Definitions: Definitions of the main terms used in perspective, the principles of that science and the elements of geometry.
- Drawing plans: Going from the geometrical to the perspective plan in various regular plane figures. The use of methods of foreshortening.
- Drawing elevations: Perspective drawing of simple figures in space and simplified elements of architecture.
- Measurements and proportions off figures depicted in a single painting.
- Practices for natural shadows, caused by sunlight or torches (artificial light).
The double pages have frequently the same characteristics. On the left side is the text and on the right side are the illustrations/drawings.
Size of the book:
25.6cm x 16.5cm x 4.5cm
Traditional standard format: Royal octavo: 6 1⁄2 × 10 inches, 16.5 × 25cm
Total number of pages, illustrations:
150 double pages = 300 pages, 153 illustrations