I searched for the word columns because my book is about the Säulenordnung. I found the book “Dell Architettura” The second word I searched for was 1507 and I found the book “Cours d’architecture”.
Comment 1: Greeting_105
I found your book “Dell Architettura” through the word columns. Our books (mine is from des jacobi Barozzi von Vignola) have in common that they both contain a lot of illustrations. The authors are both Italian and describe the classical orders in their books. Not only columns are described in both books but for example cornices as well. However, your book was written approximately 200 years after my book. Therefore it is interesting that the Säulenordnung was still a very important part of architecture and architects kept writing books about the topic for hundreds of years. Dell Architettura is a very large book and probably contains a little more detail than mine does.
Comment 2: Argument_86
I found your book when I searched for the word „1507.“ It seems as your book “Cours d’architecture” is based on my book from Des Jacobi Barozzi von Vignola. Your book talks about the order of Vignola and was written approximately 200 years after my book was published. They both talk about the classical orders and have quite a bit of illustrations of the mentioned topic in them. They both look quite dated, but the book from Barozzi is a little thinner than Cours d’architecture. The authors however do not have a lot in common. They are of different nationalities as well.