Comment on Arguments_31 by Anastasia Furrer
Hi Anastasia! I came across your book while looking up Martin Zeiller. Your book is very similar to mine: Topographia Galliae, oder, Beschreibung und Contrafaitung der vornehmbsten und bekantisten Oerter in dem mächtigen und grossen Königreich Frankreich. While reading your previous post Greetings_31, it occurred to me that both books are similar in the way they look. One example is the red ink on the side of the book, which in both books sometimes bleed though and are therefore visible when the book is opened. Besides the similarities in physical appearance, the content is very similar as well, as both books discuss places, villages and buildings in France. My book was produced as a continuation to yours and is the fourth part in the Topographia Galliae series.
Comment on Xenotheka_300 by Alessia Läser
Hi! After reading through your blog post, I saw that you discussed Gotham A History of New York City to 1898» by Edwin G. Burrows in your Xenotheka post. This book is very similar to mine ( Topographia Galliae, oder, Beschreibung und Contrafaitung der vornehmbsten und bekantisten Oerter in dem mächtigen und grossen Königreich Frankreich ) as it also shows multiple buildings and places in a limited area. Although my book was published a few hundred years earlier than yours, it was faccinating to see that even in the twentieth century, books like mine are still being written and published in a similar way.