Comment on Greetings_34
Hello! The book that i analyzed is „Lo inganno de gl’occhi“ by Pietro Accolti. While browsing through the blog, your „Greetings“ post stood out to me, because of the geometric drawings that you photographed. That was also what I found most fascinating about my book.
Also both books were written only 40 years apart in the 17th century.
While the drawings might look similar, the purpose of our books are quite different. “Logometron architecturae militaris Freitagianae” goes deep in the field of architecture and actual physical construction, while mine covers similar themes but in a more general sense, mostly not referring to architecture.
Comment on La pratica di Prospettiva
Looking for books sharing something with my book „Lo inganno de gl’occhi“ by Pietro Accolti,
I found yours by searching for „perspective“, „architecture“ and „illustrations“ on the blog.
These Books were published 29 years apart. Both Pietro and Lorenzo go intensively into the theme of perspective. „La pratica di Prospettiva“ is introducing the perspective drawing to the reader and contains lots of drawings and illustrations reminding me of my book. Since „Lo inganno de gl’occhi“ was written after Lorenzos book about perspective drawings, I wouldn’t be surprised if Pietro read this book since one can find a lot of perspective drawings in it as well.