Comment 1:
Xenotheka_75: While searching for the book “A History of Architectural Theory” written by Hanno-Walter Kruft, that was one of the books that I found for the Xenotheka exercise, I came across your book. I found a lot of similarities with my book, “Instituzione pratica dell’ architettura civile per la decorazione de’ pubblici, e privati edifici: preceduta da un articolo di Geometria in pratica ad uso delli disegnatori, et artefici.”
Our books are both written in Italian and are filled with illustrations of decorations and geometrical drawings.Physically, both of our books have a marble like cover, but my book has more than double the amount of pages than yours. Our books were also published in the same century, yours in 1735 and mine was published in 1766.
Comment 2:
Xenotheka_293: I came across your book by searching with the word “decoration.” Your book “Cours d’architecture, ou Traité de la décoration, distribution & construction des bâtiments” and my book “Instituzione pratica dell’ architettura civile per la decorazione de’ pubblici, e privati edifici: preceduta da un articolo di Geometria in pratica ad uso delli disegnatori, et artefici”, both have the word decoration in the title.
While I looked more into your book, I found that it had illustrations about the ornamentation of columns, which is also quite similar to the illustrations you can find in my book. Your book also had a lot of illustrations of gardens and the way building are constructed, which is different to my book, that has more illustration of different geometrical forms.
Your books were published 11 years apart, mine in 1766 and yours in 1777.