First I searched for books with the same author Johann Rudolph Faesch but there was none so I searched for the word illustration. And I found the book „Insignium Romae templorum prospectus exteriores interioresque a celebrioribus architectis inventi“ by Giovanni Giacomo de Rossi.
Comment 1 to Post: „Xenotheka_42“ posted 01.04.2022
I found your book through the word illustration. I think our book have something in common because it shows various illustrations and floorplans on how the buildings look. Also illustrations about cuts and how it looked in the inside. Although the big difference is that your book shows antique buildings in Rome while mine shows most illustrations from buildings in Nürnberg and also some illustrations about military architecture. It’s interesting to see how different the architecture is but also you can observe that many things are related to the Roman architecture and that there also many similarities between them. And it’s a good way to see where the people get their examples of architecture in that time.
My book is „anderer Versuch seiner architect: Wercke bestehend in allerhand Grund-Haupt-Rissen und Profilen unterschiedener Gebäuden. In Nürnberg“ from Johann Rudolph Faesch.
My second word for the search to find a similar book was „military architecture“ and I found the book „L’expérience de l’architecture militaire“ from „Des Martins.“ I really didn’t expect to find a book with such a specific theme.
Comment 2 to Post: „Argument_46“ posted 13.12.2021
I found your book when I searched for the word „military architecture.“ Our book has a lot of similarities because in my book „anderer Versuch seiner architect: Wercke bestehend in allerhand Grund-Haupt-Rissen und Profilen unterschiedener Gebäuden. In Nürnberg“ from Johann Rudolph Faesch there is a big part with illustrations about military architecture, materials and equipment because the author himself was a military architect. It shows the architecture and how military camps were organized and how that was a matter of architecture. So I think its very interesting to find a similar book with such a specific theme. I didn’t expect to find a book like yours. Also the two books were created just 50 years apart. I saw you wrote that there are also some detailed illustrations like in my book. But mine isn’t that handy and small like yours.