The concept comparison seems to be the most fitting and overarching topic that Alessandro Pompei uses in combination with Michele Sanmicheli’s work. I chose it due to both images and text sections being compared to one anoteher. Not only that but also on a time scale different architects are compared to each other, e.g. Vitruv and Alberti which are almost 1500 years apart.
On the other hand, it is also a way to find and compile parallels between the different times and architects but also between the categories of ancients and moderns. That seems to be a way to have them all in one book instead of having to read all of their architectural treaties separately. This also opens the opportunity for Alessandro Pompei, the author, to jump in and give his opinion or remarks.
I assume that Michele Sanmicheli was used as the primary reference to compare to. He’s the first one mentioned but is technically one of the more modern ones compared to the others. After he’s introduced, it goes right to Vitruvius which is the oldest one and then continues chronologically with Alberti, Palladio, Scamozzi, Serlio and Vignola.
The first chapter starts with the Tuscan order, again Michele Sanmicheli begins and there is a whole double page dedicated to his text and his drawing, the same counts for Vitrivius. Palladio and Scamozzi on the other hand are put next to each other on the same page and their drawings are also split and put side by side. It the continues the same for Serlio and Vignola.
The next paragraph looks to be an insert or maybe an analysis by the author himself likely summarizing and analyzing all their different thesis’ and drawings. This might also be a chance for him to propose a new solution or different approach or maybe even criticism.
For the Doric order Michele Sanmicheli gets a vastly bigger section which could indicate that this might be some extra work of his that is being released, or also that Alessandro Pompei is giving him more importance. The title suggests that these are primarily Michele Sanmicheli’s 5 orders of architecture put and compared to the beforementioned ones.
Alessandro Pombei’s paragraphs are usually followed by a drawing that could likely be him comparing or focusing on a certain aspect of an order or even taking it a step further. Although it doesn’t seem like he’s adding any new drawings.