To understand what this book is about, it is of utmost importance to have more than only a basic understanding of math and geometry. Before Bullet really delves into the actual content, there is a firstly a glossary that explains what the terms that are commonly used in geomerty mean. Then afterwards various geometrical concepts are explained in depth. It begins with concepts in 1D – different types of lines – , then talks about 2D planes, ranging from different types of circles and triangles to types of squares and then polygons – to 3D solids and what roles they might play.
The next introductory section is still about math: namely how to calculate and measure the different surface areas and/or volume of both planes and solids. This makes it clear that to become a good architect, it is of necessity to have knowledge of geometry and math; after all, architecture is a part of the technical field.
It is not always immediaty clear but after these introductory sections in this book, you realize that that architecture is always dealing with geometry. It is only after all these explanations that the book begins to analyze and explain how different parts of a building need to be understood, measured and constructed. Ranging from fundaments and floors to walls and doors, to furnaces and chimneys.
Why geometry is important: For construction and also so that things look pleasing to the eye.
Geometry can be more obvious in some than other cases, but it is a tool that is always used no matter what you’re designing. Geometry is crucial when it comes to proportions and shape. Since long ago throughout history there have been geometric rules – which have naturally changed over times but there were rules nonetheless – and it was thought that adhering to these will ensure a building to look beautiful. Regarding proportions, there has been the idea that buildings based on human proportions were ideal as well. Regarding shapes, there has been the circle for example that has been thought as the ‘perfect’ shape; patterns too consist of repeated geometric forms and are an important component when designing.
Another important aspect in architecure where geometry is involved is the construction of the buildings themselves. To make sure that they’re structurally sound and will stay standing rather than collapse, math and calculations are an inextricable part of it.
After all these considerations, it makes sense that Bullet spends over 50 pages explaining the geometric concepts.