Build Beautifully
In my opinion the main theme of the book is about how to build the most beautiful. There are references from the ancient roman and greek buildings and explanations what they did to make them look that good. There are information’s about what is important and what is unnecessary. In the end, there are always different opinions about the same thing. What exactly beautiful or ugly is, is always a question of perspective. But there are things the majority of the people have the same point of view about it. For example, almost everybody likes open and bright spaces. Closed and dark rooms on the other hand scares most people. Most also prefer a kind of order and uniformity over chaos and confusion. In the book of Charles Philippe Dieussart are very precise explanations about this and other topics. He provided references and examples on how to do it the right way. As far as I understand it it’s a guid on how to build buildings the best and most beautiful. The author dedicated one third of the entire book the topic of proportions. He studied many buildings and cities and found many coherences between theme. Then he listed theme up and made very detailed drawings about his discoveries. He not only investigated the facades of the building he also explored the inside of them. There are explanations about bedrooms, gangways and even some information about stairs, windows and doors. The look of something is always influenced by its surroundings. That’s way it is important to have the right proportions. Otherwise, it can look very strange or even ugly if there is no knowledge about the proportion of things. Another important part of the book are those many very detailed drawings. Charles Philippe Dieussart spent much of his time on these nice drawings. Based on these it is easy to understand what he is trying to say. Some things that are very complicated to write about suddenly are very easy to understand when you can show a picture of it. These is exactly what Dieussart did in his book. He had to spend much time to make those because it was impossible to make a photo back then. In the end he discovered and described many things that are interesting and important even today. He made a very detailed book about the art of making a beautiful building. His work was so good we still learn from it 300 years later.
Keywords: beautiful, proportions, drawings