After a short time I got an understanding of the search engine Alice. My book consists only of pictures of ornaments. It is called: “Inventioni d’ornamenti d’architettura di Michel Angello Buonaruotti e d’altri dissegnate dal … Conte Carlo Castellamonte in Roma e copiate da me Giovan Francesco Baronscello” by Baroncelli, Gio Francesco. I wrote down…
Category: Xenotheka
The book I was first assigned to is called “Mémoire historique sur le Dôme du Panthéon Français”. As it says in the title it’s a memoire of Jean Baptiste Rondelet who was involved in the construction of the Panthéon. For the new task I tried to search the obvious terms like the title of the…
In the beginning, I decided to keep Alice’s brain be the same: always the Xenotheka library, because it contains a variety of books from the branch of architecture, which is always the main topic of our books. Obviously, I chose the topic to be architecture. Firstly, I focused on the title of my book “Memoirs…
L’art d’appareil by Menand is a book strongly relying on hand drawings and precise construction by hand. Therefore, my first words to type into the Alice engine where “hand drawings” and “construction drawings”. A book that showed up multiple times is “the autopoiesis of architecture” by Patrik Schumacher. Besides various complex themes the book also…
My book Grand escalier du chateau de versailles is about the great stairways in the Chateau of Versailles. To find books with the same or similar topics, I searched Alice by the keywords “stairs” and “chateau versailles”. Alice proposed a lot of different books, featuring either the topic “stairs” or the topic “chateau versailles” but never the…
The first key word, I asked Alice to find was “Isaac Ware” in the “Xenotheka Library”- Brain to find if he had been mentioned in other publications. “Elements of Architecture” by Rem Koolhaas (published 2010) caught my eye because it’s contents focus on mostly on similar elements like Ware such as ceilings, roofs, doors, stairs…
First I looked a little deeper into my book Theatrum machinarum molarium from Johann Matthias Beyer. So that I get a broader spectrum of topics/words to make a wider search. In doiing so, i noticed many more terms like mill construction/architecture, mill order, ship mills, wheel plant/works, mill scaffold/framwork, wind/water/paper mill (typ of mills), machine,…
Xenotheka_92 The title “Recueil elementaire d’architecture” Translates into the elementary collection of architecture in English. So, for the first book search in Xenotheka Library I typed into Alice: « Architecture Collection » with the topic set to « Architecture ». After scrolling through the first few books, I stumbled upon “Van Eck – Eighteenth Century Architecture II” I downloaded…
As already mentioned in the second exercise, the first book is dedicated to materials and building technique (the principles of geometry and perspective). The second book to the theory and practice of the five orders of architecture. In Zanini’s first book there is a concise treatise on the principles of geometry and perspective derived from…
Friends with an old Book – Task 3 The Book „Lo inganno de gl’occhi“ by Pietro Accolti mainly talks about the simple laws of perspective, light and shade and geometry. So those Keywords were also the ones i used for this exercise. My first topic was light and shade. This is an extremely wide and…