Grand escalier du chateau de versailles – Charles Le Brun I chose those two pages because of their extremely detailed drawings, also involving architectural elements, such as the cornice in the first drawing and the ionic columns in the second drawing. Regarding the bright colors, the gold decoration on the cover and also the condition…
Category: Greetings
I chose these pages because they’re very interesting and particulary exact drawn. I like the exactness of the illustrations, which stand in a contrast with the old, yellow and wavy texture of the paper.
I liked the drawing on the main Page and I chose page 128 as an interesting sample to express how the author introduced every new letter in the “Vocabularium”. The book was bigger than I expected, and I thought it would have something on the cover Page, but it didn’t.
Les plans et les descriptions de deux des plus belles maisons de campagne de Pline le consul – Félibien des Avaux, Jean-François; Plinius Caecilius Secundus, Gaius
Reasoning first page: The eye-catching letter and the big writing differ from the rest of the book. Reasoning second page: The structured page with the clean writing is very pleasing to the eye and stands in contrary to the cursive writing on the other pages. Dilara Su Baysal | 21-928-767 | Atelier Blaas
“The grecian orders of architecture” – by Stephen Riou
I choose the first page because it’s used to show and summarize the content of the book. It’s also a very different approach and an innovative way of showing the illustrations in a smaller version on the first page of the book.
I chose these pages for their beautiful illustrations. The text is printed on thin yellowish paper which is bound with carton covered in cloth.
Nouvelle manière de fortifier les places – Francois Blondel I chose these two pages, which show beautiful drawings. First we have the floor plan of a building, followed by a 3d view. Considering that this work is a book from 1683, the condition is still very good. The book is wrapped in leather. Even the…