Reference 1:
Gilt, Joseph (2012). A Treatise on the Decorative Part of Civil Architecture, Life of Sir William Chambers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. xxxviii (38).
“(…) he visited Canton, and having considerable taste for drawing, made sketches of the buildings and costume of the Chinese, which, on his arrival in England some years after (1757), he published, with the assistance of those excellent engravers, Grignion, Foudrinier, and Hooker.”
Reference 2:
Arts and Chinoiserie (2019). Report Title. Zürich: UZH Asien-Orient-Institut. 108.
“Eine doppelbogige chinesische Brücke mit Pagode aus Gusseisen und bemalten Holz ist möglicherweise von William Chambers’ Designs of Chinese buildings [ID D1838] inspiriert. In der Nähe der Brücke hat sich bis heute eine chinesische Schaukel erhalten.”