Article in journal:
Amstrong, Gregory (1967). “Constantine’s churches”. Gesta, no. 6: 1-9
Link to the article:
The book is mentioned on page one of the article: “In 1693 Joannes Ciampini, in his
De sacris aedificiis a Constantino magno constructis,
recorded a total of 58 churches and baptisteries and
two monasteries, but he obviously included many
legendary attributions, some of which he himself ques-
Sprengler, Dietmar (2007). “Glorificatio historiae – ein Frontispiz Giovanni Battista Lenardis”. Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte70. Bd., H. 3: 365-380
Link to the article:
The book is mentioned on page one of the article:” In seinem Buch iiber die romischen
und aufierromischen Kirchen zu Zeiten Kaiser
Konstantins, das betitelt ist mit De Sacris Aedifi-
ciis a Constantino Magno Constructis: Synopsis
Historica, Rom 1693, verwendete der Autor das-
selbe Frontisp.”