First I searched for books with the same author Johann Rudolph Faesch but there was none so I searched for the word illustration. And I found the book „Insignium Romae templorum prospectus exteriores interioresque a celebrioribus architectis inventi“ by Giovanni Giacomo de Rossi. Comment 1 to Post: „Xenotheka_42“ posted 01.04.2022 I found your book through…
Author: Nicolas Meier
My Book (#65) anderer Versuch seiner architect from Johann Rudolph Faesch When I started to find something in Alice, I analyzed my book again. Because the book is full of drawings, illustrations and floorplans and I was not sure what to put in Alice’s brain. So first I tried the word “military architecture” because the…
The full title of the book is „anderer Versuch seiner architect: Wercke bestehend in allerhand Grund-Haupt-Rissen und Profilen unterschiedener Gebäuden. In Nürnberg“ from Johann Rudolph Faesch. In my opinion the book is for all the people which are interested in the architecture and the construction art. Especially if you are interested in the architecture of…

Greeting_65_anderer Versuch seiner architect
Das Buch beinhaltet viele Illustrationen und Grundrisspläne von verschiedenen Gebäuden.