Comment on _28 The first book I found while searching for a similar book to Johann Jacob Schüblers book „Synopsis architecture cavils elective“ was the book „Architectura militaris“, written by Andreas Cellarius in 1645. Like Schüblers book it is also written in Old German. Also the font is very similar. The way the letters are…
Author: Madita Müller
When I started searching for connected books to the book „Synopsis architecturae civil eclecticae“ by Johann Jacob Schübler I learned right away how important it is to chose a topic of conversation on Alice. For my first searched I typed in „perspective view drawing“ while using the Xenotheka brain, without choosing a topic, and Alice…
The title of the book synopsis architecturae civil eclecticae reveals that the book is about architecture and the parts of civil engineering. The first view pages of the book are all blank. After the four blank pages, there is a page which informs you of the basic knowledge of the book. This first written page,…
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