Comment on Task 2_by Sarah Schmid Hi Sarah! While I was searching for theme related works, I came across your post, in which you describe the fourth part of Martin Zeiller’s encyclopaedia “Topographia Galliae”: “Die fürnehmste und bekanntiste Stätte und Plätze von Burgund Bresse” is structured the same as «Beschreibung und Contrafaitung der vornehmsten und…
Author: Anastasia Furrer
At first, it was quite difficult to narrow down the sources and works, that could be of use for a good analysis. Just after a while, and various attempts of typing in Alice’s brain the right libraries – interesting topics started to appear. For the first one, I have chosen the “Xenotheka Library” for Alices’s…
“Topopgraphia Galliae” or the full description – “Beschreibung und Contrafaitung der vornehmbsten und bekantisten Oerter in dem mächtigen und grossen Königreich Franckreich: beedes auss eygner Erfahrung und den besten und berühmbsten Scribenten so in underschiedlichen Spraachen davon aussgangen seyn auch auss erlangten Bericht- und Relationen von etlichen Jahren hero zusammengertragen in richtige Ordnung gebracht und…
Martin Zeiller (1589-1661), Topographia Galliae, vol.1 (1655) This is a beautiful title page, ilustrated by the son (Caspar Merian) of the Swiss-German engraver and publisher Matthäus Merian. The picture shows two important kings: on the left – the Frankish King Clovis I., who subjugated the last Roman ruler in Gaul – later France. On the…