My old book is about the Dome of the Pantheon in Paris. So when I started to get acquainted with Xenotheka and the Ask Alice platform, I searched for the most obvious keywords first. I started in the Xenotheka library with the words dome and a little later with Pantheon and also Paris. When I…
Author: Alessia Läser

The full name of the book is “MÉMOIRE HISTORIQUE SUR LE DÔME DU PANTHÉON FRANCAIS” and as the title already states the entire book is about the history of The Panthéon in Paris which was built between 1758 and 1790. More precisely it is about the dome of the Panthéon. The book is divided into…
I chose these pages because I really liked these plans and was interested in how they seemed very detailed but fit into such a small book. The book was surprisingly thin and the pages were very fragil. I really loved the foldable pages in the end of the book.