The book “Trattato delle piante & immagini de sacri editori di Terra Santa” by Bernardino Amico from 1620 begins with a prologue and ends with an epilogue and is organized into 47 chapters which are labeled with the corresponding Roman number. If you open the book and the textparagraph is written on the left Page, then the portion of the title “Trattato de Sacri Edifizi” is written in the top margin. In case of the right page “di Terra Santa” is written in capital letters. The inner margins are smaller then the outer margins. Below the top Margin on can find sometimes a title, sometimes alone or followed by a subtitle. The fonttype of the Headings and maintext is Serif style. The maintext is written in one column and has a medium fontsize. The first letter of the main text is capitalized and placed in an square ornament with the size of eight lines of the main text. At the end of the texts there is always a stamp with a face in the middle.
Out of 138 pages, 47 contain illustrations. These architectural drawings are sometimes presented on only one or two pages. The drawings are floor plans and sectional drawings. In order to explain the sectional drawings, the sectional drawings are only drawn on one half of a page in order to place an explanatory drawing below them. The sectional drawings are drawn in detail and the incidence of light can be recognized by the hatching. The drawings are accompanied by an illustration legend, the elements of which are numbered or spelled. They refer to the parts of the drawing that are each labeled with the number or letter.
The organisation of text and images suggest that the book “Trattato delle piante & immagini de sacri editori di Terra Santa” by Bernardino Amico from 1620, is an illustrated compendium of the holy places of Jerusalem and Bethlehem.