First I reread my text from the Greeting and the Argument and marked the most important words, that could work in AskAlice.
First I entered Robert Adam (with Alice’s brain: Architecture Library) to look if he wrote any other books or was mentioned in them. There where 201 results so I knew I would have to make it more specific. Then I wrote Robert Adam Spalatro and got 4 results. So this was to detailed because it was only sources the had to write at the end of their books. Because they used the book to compare and said Robert Adam did with his book quite the same that they are doing in their books. When I only entered Spalatro there where 6 results. The fun thing is that only Robert Adam with his book Ruins of the Palace of the Emperor Diocletian at Spalatroappears.
Then I entered Split because that’s todays Spalatro and there appeared 149 results so I had to specify it and chose to write Split antique and there were no results.
So I tried something totally new and chose to enter: Diocletian palace. 19 results with similar or comparison buildings appeared. But I think the main thing of the book is the drawings from Robert Adam. So I entered drawing antique and got 42 results.
The first one was: Coulston, Ancient Rome The Archaeology of the Eternal City.
It’s about A a book about the archaeology of Rome, and is richly illustrated like the book from Robert Adam. An there are new maps for the topography and monuments of Rome. For example they inspected the Panteon in detail, which was built in the same style as the Palace of the Emperor Diocletian.
The other book was: Friedland, The Oxford Handbook of Roman Sculpture, they looked at many Roman sculptures and compared them and studied them. So I thought about Robert Adam, who studied the columns in such detail.
The books do not totally have the same content but they have a lot drawings and studies in them and I think that’s one of the main points from the book: “Ruins of the palace of the Emperor Diocletian at Spalatro in Dalmatia” from Robert Adam.