My search started with very general words such as architecture, which made it difficult, as a lot of results show up. I proceeded to search for more precise words used in my book such as column, orders, etc., but my search was again unsuccessful. The final word, that showed me the following results was “civil architecture”. I used the brain “Xenotheka Library”.
The first chosen book “Elements of Architecture” was written by Rem Koolhaas. This book describes in detail numerous architectural elements such as window, façade, balcony, corridor, fireplace, stair, escalator, elevators, etc. It was exhibited in 2014 and the books don’t focus on a time but show the evolution of these elements. This book connects with Chamber’s book, as both analyse and describe architectural elements. On one side, Chamber’s book is centered on the antiquity and on the other side, Koolhaas’ book describes the evolution from a contemporary point of view.
The second book I chose is called “The Autopoiesis of Architecture” and was written by Patrick Schumacher. It is divided in two volumes, and the books present a complete outline of the theory of architectural autopoiesis, a systematic treatise on architecture. Volume 1 introduces a new theoretical framework and describes its most fundamental concepts, methods and values. Volume 2 continues to analyse architecture’s discourse and proposes a new agenda for contemporary architecture in response to the challenges and opportunities posed by current societal and technological developments. This book connects with Chamber’s book, as both shows practical knowledge in the architectural field. The difference between the two is, that Chamber describes architectural elements and is a handbook to their construction, while Schumacher shows the analyse of architectural concepts.