Our book «Vollständige Anweisung, alle Arten von Kirchen wohl anzugehen» written by Leonhard Christoph Sturm has inspired me really. It is fascinating, how detailed he had drawn the churches, which we see in the book. Outside of the drawings, he wrote a very good and clear text with constructions on how we should build a church. But because of the beautiful drawings, I started my searching with Alice about other similar books with the terms «church», «construction» and «drawings».
During my search and conversation with Alice, I came across two books that strongly reminded me of my book. At first glance, you might think that the books have little in common. But after a short research and immersion in the book, it quickly becomes apparent that there are clear similarities.
The first book «Elements of Architecture» written by Rem Koolhaas. He was himself a Dutch architect, who has analysed the importance of buildings and their elements. In this book, he explains and elaborates on how significant the individual elements such as windows, walls, corridors and so on are for a good and successful construction of a building. In our book Sturm explained, how we should build a church and what the important points are. So, there is a big similarity between these two books. The second book, which I have found during my search is called «Modern Architectural Theory». Harry Francis Mallgrave is the author. In his book Mallgrave explain that the drawing is very important to get a good result of the building. But a good drawing is just possible, when the architect has enough skills. He often mentions architects who looked at and analysed parts of a church or the whole church. Almost all his statements are clarified with concrete examples. The balance between theory and practice connects these two books strongly.